Virtues Program
APM strives to teach to the whole child – academically, socially, physically and emotionally. When a child breaks a school expectation we look upon it as a teachable moment.
Our school “discipline” plan is founded on the belief that we all make mistakes and that all children want to do well - and have it within them to do so. Based on this belief, APM adopted the Virtues Program.
The Virtues Program, developed by Linda Kavelin Popov, believes that schools should be a safe and happy learning environment for all children. The purpose is to develop a culture of character where respect, patience, self-discipline, tolerance and joy for learning are among the virtues children master.
During the school year the fifty-two virtues are taught and discussed with the students. These virtues exist within each child in potential and it is our purpose to awaken each virtue within them. For more information, visit the Virtues Project website and/or check-out the Virtues Project Parent Guide from our school parent resource library.
Virtues: The Gifts of Character
- Assertiveness
- Caring
- Cleanliness
- Commitment
- Compassion
- Confidence
- Consideration
- Cooperation
- Courage
- Courtesy
- Creativity
- Detachment
- Determination
- Diligence
- Enthusiasm
- Excellence
- Flexlblllty
- Forgiveness
- Friendliness
- Generosity
- Gentleness
- Helpfulness
- Honesty
- Honor
- Humility
- Idealism
- Integrity
- Joyfulness
- Justice
- Kindness
- Love
- Loyalty
- Moderation
- Modesty
- Orderliness
- Patience
- Peacefulness
- Perseverence
- Purposefulness
- Reliability
- Respect
- Responslblllty
- Self-disclpline
- Service
- Tact
- Thankfulness
- Tolerance
- Trust
- Trustworthiness
- Truthfulness
- Understanding
- Unity