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Parent Education

The E1 & E2 Classrooms

What sets Montessori apart in the Elementary years—ages 6 – 12—is the individually paced curriculum that challenges children academically and safeguards their well-being and sense of self. 

Montessori and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

As children acquire intercultural sensitivity and understanding, they also develop not only tolerance but appreciation of differences as well as “the ability to navigate differences with respect.”

Common Core Standards and Montessori

How is it all aligned? 

Montessori and Children with Special Needs

The Montessori Method of education provides a nurturing, supportive environment for children of all abilities and learning styles. 

What the Research Says

A review of the evidence base for Montessori education. 

It should be noted that for Montessori the goal of education is to allow the child’s optimal development (intellectual, physical, emotional and social) to unfold. This is a very different goal to that of most education systems today, where the focus is on attainment in academic subjects such as literacy and mathematics. 

Montessori Preschool Elevates and Equalizes Child Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study

Montessori education aligns with principles and practices that a century of research has shown are more optimal for child development than the principles and practices that undergird conventional schooling (Lillard, 2017). 

A study comparing outcomes of children at a public inner-city Montessori school with children who attended traditional schools. 

The Montessori school studied is located in Milwaukee and serves urban minority children.

Montessori schools have many loyal devotees and they're certainly rising in popularity among American parents.

But are they any better than traditional schools, or other progressive teaching philosophies?

Does Montessori Work?

What research says About Montessori and student outcomes.

Evaluating Montessori Education

An analysis of students’ academic and social scores compares a Montessori school with other elementary school education programs.


There are books for parents to learn more about Montessori education. Please ask your child’s teacher to help locate these helpful family books. 

Diversity Resources List

Montessori Terminology

The Montessori vocabulary that you will see in your son’s or daughter's work journals or agendas may be new to you. The link below explains frequently used Montessori words.

Appleton Public Montessori Glossary