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Yearly School Events

Harvest Moon Celebration

A fun, family night in October at the Apple Creek YMCA to celebrate the Harvest Moon in October. The night is full of family fun with a campfire with s’mores and a night hike under the moonlight.

Montessori Education Week

Montessori Education week is at the end of February each year. It is a week when we take the time to celebrate what we love about Montessori education and learn a little bit more about Maria Montessori, the founder of Montessori education. We enjoy theme days, an all school dance and an all school afternoon fun activity.

Time for Me

Three times per year, Time for Me provides the opportunity for students to share their Montessori classroom activities with family members. Students may invite one family member to participate in each Time for Me Night and share this special time with them.

Countries Around the World

Every year students in the E1 classrooms learn and explore specific continents. Each child chooses a country within that continent and share their knowledge with others. They are given an entire semester to complete a research project and then share their information with the APM community at our annual Countries Around the World event in January.

Spring E2 Presentation Night

Every year, students in our upper elementary classes, take on a long-term project related to environmental science. Topics vary yearly from biomes to vertebrate animals of Canada and Latin America. Students conduct monthly research assignments using a variety of methods that stretch and challenge their minds. All of our E2 students’ hard work culminates with a written paper, presentation board and 3D displays. These are on showcase for the APM community during Spring E2 Presentation Night.

Performing Arts Showcase

APM’s Performing and Visual Arts Showcase is an extravaganza of drumming, dance, creative composition, singing, and beautiful artwork. It is a chance for our students to share some of the results of the year long process of nurturing their musical and artistic birthrights daily in the APM classroom. The students share with confidence and joy, with an intrinsic knowledge that performance is merely a natural outcome of a vibrant culture of music and art making here at APM.